Monday, June 1, 2009

The Climb

Okay kids here's what this whole blog thing is about... this is my journey, to happiness, to my destiny, to the rest of my life, to the future, to recognition, to BEAST status. Ladies and gentlemen I am embarking on a lifelong journey to cement myself in history, for what I don't know but for something. I WILL make myself successful and then make a difference in the world, not just by painting shoes but by living, by not compromising my beliefs, by being myself. This world is a horrible and wonderful place, and I have taken it upon myself to make it a little bit better. My art is just a small part of that ( and that is probably the last time you will hear me refer to my art as a small part of ANYTHING). I will succeed in life, in whatever I want because I believe in myself, and I believe that GOD won't allow me to fail. As for customizing, I've never said I want to make it a profession, I just said that my future will include fashion and art, and customizing will be a large part of that. So many people end up in professions that don't satisfy them, because they dont believe enough in themselves, because someone told them they can't survive doing what they love, because someone told them no and they accepted it. I believe life is about people being happy and interacting. I WILL BE SUCCESSFUL IN MY JOURNEY! "There's always going to be another mountain. I'm always gonna wanna make it move. Always gonna be an uphill battle, Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose, Ain't about how fast I get there, Ain't about what's waiting on the other side... It's the climb"... THAT IS MOST LIKELY THE LAST TIME I WILL QUOTE Mley Cyrus/Hannah Montanna/Whatever else her name is again LOL... REACH FOR THE STARS PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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