Thursday, July 9, 2009

Words of Wisdom: Choices

Many of my closest friends see me as an insightful, optimistic, intelligent person ( I know sounds pretty ridiculous doesn't it... I mean...I paint shoes!!?), and from time to time I get a sudden rush of genius and I bestow them with my words of wisdom, you kids are know a part of the lucky few that get to witness my genius!!! I present to you... WORDS OF WISDOM:Numero Uno!!! Today we'll be talking about choices. In life there are essentially two choices we have relating to where we want to be: Wait or Create!
You can sit on your ass or go make things happen, remember that the most talented people aren't the famous ones, it's those who actually seek opportunity instead of waiting for it! Always remember that life isn't against us... but it isn't working in our favor either, when something bad happens you can either blame the world or change the world!(Damn I'm good, maybe I should be a motivational speaker!)


  1. I just came across your note written on scrap paper with my green glitter pen. lol with your blog site written on it. Nice blog! You are very creative, and talented, but you already knew that. Since I am your teacher it is my obligation to inform you that you have a typo: change know to now. :) What ever happened with that tie?

  2. Why thank you Ms. Salas! Thank you for feeding my enormous and growing ego! I'll leave the typo so your comment doesn't sound crazy to anyone who reads it! I have no clue what happened to that tie that should've made me famous! See you in skool!!!
